Howlands Christmas Fair 2023 – Date for your Diary

6 Nov

Howlands Christmas Fair 2023 – Date for your Diary


Join us on the 15th November between 9.30am and 2.00pm and sample the delights on offer.

From homemade gifts, to mince pies and a tombola, there will be plenty to keep your interest.

If you like hand made creations  you can buy  sets from one of our stalls – now wouldn’t that be a unique Christmas decoration!

Our Christmas Fair is a wonderful way to help us rase funds, have fun, chat and laugh whilst helping us reduce loneliness and increase social confidence.

Tickets are only £2.50 each and include a tea, coffee or cold drink and a mince pie or biscuit.

Please come and celebrate the festive season with us  and help us raise funds so we can keep doing the good work we do with the amazing people we support.

Can’t wait to see you! Merry Christmas, Ho-Ho-Howlands!


2023 Christmas