
3 Nov

Firewalking For Howlands

Help support a local independent Dewsbury charity which supports adults with disabilities through arts and crafts activities.

Saturday 28th November 2015

From 7.00 pm

Batley Bulldogs Fox’s Biscuits Stadium

Full instructions will be given

For further details and a sponsor form please

telephone Deborah Hall on 01924 463693

7 Aug

Shackletons Donation

An upholstery company shared its trade secrets with a charity so it can raise more cash to keep itself afloat. Shackleton opened its doors to The Howland Centre, based in School Street, Dewsbury – a charity for disabled people which fundraises by taking on furniture-making projects from the public. By sharing information, it is hoped the centre can improve its upholstery services and make up for lack of funding affecting its services.

Howlands manager Deborah Hall said: “We were eager to learn about upholstering but had no access to the right skills until Shackletons offered to help us. Upholstering is an activity many of our service users enjoy, and we also make money taking in upholstery projects from members of the public who pay us for our services.”

Shackletons invited Deborah to attend a workshop at the Dewsbury factory, where assistant operations manager Tony Render showed her the skills needed to complete projects with a professional finish.

Tony said: “We had heard about their lack of funding and knew we could make a positive contribution. By sharing our knowledge and skills we hope they will now be able to  put this to good use and start to earn enough money to keep their services going.”

Deborah added: ”There is so much more to it than we thought and we are extremely grateful to Tony and Shackletons for sharing their trade secrets to help us make a success of our services ”


Website Link

10 Jul

New image old values

A new era begins today (Friday) for one of Dewsbury’s best loved charities.

The Howland Centre on School Street has taken on three new staff to extend the work it does with disabled people.

Increased opening hours will allow more classes to run and for people from the wider community to join.

And a new name, HOWLANDS, was due to be unveiled by Mayor of Kirklees Councillor Paul Kane today.

The centre has been run by the Dewsbury and District League of Friendship for more than 60 years.

Disabled people across North Kirklees are supported through arts and crafts activities.

Some of their colourful artwork has been displayed at venues including Batley Art Gallery One painter, Nico Griffin, 42, of Dewsbury, was born with hydrocephalus, a brain condition which affects his sight, co-ordination and walking.

Through HOWLANDS he overcame these problems to create art full of bright geometric shapes.

The hiring of a development worker and two assistants will enable staff at HOWLANDS help members do more.

Manager Deborah Hall said: “We have an exciting and challenging time ahead of us.”

“The change of name does not mean that we are losing the values and ethos that have been built up over the years.

“It means we are offering even more to our members and volunteers and more opportunities for the local community to use our facilities.”

The public are invited to see the facilities on offer at HOWLANDS from Monday, July 6th to Thursday, July 9th (11AM – 3PM).

22 Sep
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Volunteering Kirklees

Last Thursday we had 30 different community organisations at a VK meeting in the Centre.

Everyone was impressed by our building so we are hoping that we may get some room lettings from their enquiries.

At only £12.50 an hour we are very reasonable.

7 Aug

A Big Thank You

Many thanks to Douglas Hird and Shaw Cross Boys Club who gave us £50 to buy art materials for our members.
Also thanks to Dewsbury Rotary who continue to give us support and donated £20.
Finally thanks to Wilkinson’s Dewsbury who gave us a voucher for our Raffle

7 Aug

Dawn’s Big Splash !

Dawn Field has managed to get herself on the front page of The Press newspaper. It’s all in the best possible taste as the article inside on page 12 tells all about Dawn’s long term connection with the Howland Centre while promoting the Family Fun Day at The Royal Oak, Ossett on 23rd August 2014.
It starts at 12 noon until late.
Get along their and have a chat to Dawn.

24 Jul
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We would like to introduce to our Fund Raising Committee: Wendy Lee, Dawn Field, and Bianca Hirst who are working hard to meet the demands of our £800 per week running costs.

If you want to help them, or have any fund raising ideas, please get in touch on [email protected]

Let’s keep those enthusiastic girls busy !!!!!!

18 Jul
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How about volunteering ?

If you are 16 or over and want to get some work experience over the summer get in touch ! You will have lots of fun and you will improve your CV while gaining experience.
If you are between jobs it is an ideal opportunity to try something new and broaden your horizons. email us.
If you are retired and want some stimulating involvement in an organisation that helps others, give us a ring.

IF is such a big word !  If only we had more volunteers we could really help the local disabled.